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Showing posts from 2008

SHOPPOSITES - Male psyche v/s female psyche

Shopping for my wedding has started and it’s almost over. Shopping for Annu has started. God knows when it’ll get over. I don’t hate shopping but I hate browsing too many shops. If I like something I simply pick it up and don’t think about the probability of getting something better in other shops. My better half is of a different opinion. She believes in visiting a thousand shops for say one saree. And when she picks that saree it’s supposed to be best. (Best justified by the number of shops visited, number of sarees not selected.) Although I would like to debate on this subject knowing fully I have strong points on my side of argument but knowing women it’s better to shut up and let them be how they want to be. Now I wonder is how come she picked me without seeing a thousand men? Annu like talk: I am the best for him and He is the best for me. So our children will be best. (Doesn’t seem like annu? It’s annu like talk not annu talk)

Getting married.

A guy like me getting married is unthinkable for people who know me. The whole concept of holy matrimony according to me is completely inevitable, in a land called India at least. So why the surprise I wonder? People change for better or for worse but they do change. Am I sounding matured? If yes, I have changed. If no, you are still the same.

Home very very away from office.

Shifted to my new place in Navi Mumbai. Sounds far right? But it isn’t. 1 hour 15 minutes to reach office. Manageable. Changing 3 trains to reach office. Not bad at all. Am I complaining? Can I afford to? No. Because I can’t afford to buy place in Mumbai. Not yet. How to buy a house in Mumbai? Invent something like Do business. (But what business should I do?) Marry a rich girl (Too late to do so for me at least) Play the lottery (Tried. Not working) Build strong networking. Get rich people in your contact list and sell insurance to them or become a middleman and conduct business. (Difficult for someone like me.) The only choice I have is to work hard, work smart. Jump up the ladder. Do whatever it is to be successful in your profession. Current scenario. I am not doing that bad. But then I am not doing that good also. Philosophy: Sometimes wealth and fame don’t go hand in hand. You need to make a choice. (I think this has no connection to the above. But hey it’s my blog.) T

Man in black

I loved the golden background of my blog. She suggested try out a black one. Well babes, your wish is my command [so much to avoid the bragging... he he]. Your man's blog is now in black. Looks better?

Mirchi Kaan Awards 2008

I got a pass to Mirchi Kaan Awards held @ Grand Hyatt, Mumbai last week and was a part of all the excitement. Yeah we didn't send any entry so didn't win any award (well we don't like to snatch the spotlight from the regular winners). The emcee/host/stand up comedian was outstanding! The goodies we got were cool enough to keep our spirits high. Especially the cool bag that my fiancee might grab any moment! If you missed being there, you missed a lot man! Now I gotta go back to work, so you can read all about it on The Economic Times website . Alcohol count: 5 large Smirnoff + 1 Bacardi. Position: Surprisingly Stable.

Hulk - It's incredible!

Cast: Edward Norton, Liv Tyler, Tim Roth, William Hurt, Tim Blake Nelson, , Martin Starr, Christina Cabot, Ty Burrell, Lou Ferrigno The name of the film describes it all. Hulk is an excellent film in the making. I am glad I could catch it in the theatre. The comic characters come alive on the screen resulting in exhilarating action. Everything just seems to be perfect, except for the first half where the movie appears a bit slow. The movie stood upto my expectations and if your haven't watched it yet, I do recommend it. Worth your expectations!

Euro is over

Euro 2008 had become my entertainment routine. Alas it's over and am in a fix over what to see. Saas bahu. Naa. Reality Show NAAAAAAH! Breaking news on India TV. Big NAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. Help me. Tell me what to see.

Click - a very interesting bloguzzle

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IPL over

IPL had become my entertainment routine. Alas it's over and am in a fix over what to see. Saas bahu. Naa. Reality Show NAAAAAAH! Breaking news on India TV. Big NAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Help me. Tell me what to see.

IPL Final Closing Ceremony

The IPL folks sure know how to make cricket all the more interesting. They have won a million hearts, right from the idea of having a twenty20 cricket match between several teams across India to cheer leading, team songs, advertising and now the closing ceremony! It was a remarkable sight - performances, gymnastics and laser act (Salman Khan's performance to promote Dus ka dum did appear out of place though). Apparently the IPL trophy is the most expensive in the world as I just heard about it by one of the commentators. Well, I'm just waiting to see who wins the trophy and how they close the first season of IPL! Must be another wonderful performance I presume.

Reading fast - boon or curse?

I walk into a bookstore and pick up a couple of books. And much before it's time for me to shave, I am done reading! If it was not for my better half , who at the mention of 'Crossword' twice a week would say with a very mean look, "AGAIN?" and if it was not to avoid any further non-stop arguments, I would probably have spent all my earnings on words. After all, every single penny I earn comes from my words. While I think it's good to be a fast reader, my bank balance insists otherwise. Did someone ever say, "It doesn't pay to be well-read"?

Will Mumbai win today?

I hope it does. In fact, I'm pretty sure Mumbai Indians will win the IPL match today. After the commendable victory in the cricket match against Kolkata , the Mumbai team must be oozing with confidence. Can't wait to watch you guys win again. All the best Mumbai !

Ghost blogger

I didn't expect it. I couldn't even guess it. My b'day gift. It's a blog created by my wife with few interesting articles absolutely free. And the theme is also unique. It's 'Unique'. Meaning whatever I see/observe which is distinct, first of its kind, la la la la lala. Interesting na. Hey isn't a blog as a birthday gift unique? See great start already. Thank you baby!

Is a chaddi required?

Seriously how important is a brief in advertising. On one end people say think beyond the brief on the other the same demands one.What is the importance of a brief that's just a formality, that has no value addition from the brand servicing guy? When a creative guy works on a brand for say a year and a half, does he really require a brief? These insights are based on my experience in mid-size agencies as I have never worked in the top twenty. I maybe wrong but then what if i am right.

If only my life had an undo button.

There are so many regrets in my life that I often wish that these things didn’t happen so. Just imagined what could have happened if life had an undo button. No bad headlines. No option no. 2. No mistakes in proof checking. No embarrassing moments. No fights. No time wasted. No bad cooking. No pissing off others with silly jokes. No failed pick up lines. No getting caught farting in office. No bad investments. No shit. No regrets. But then if life was so smooth, wouldn’t it be boring?

Vocab booster 1.1

To improve my vocab and to update my blog more frequently I am posting new words and trying to create a story which will continue with every new word. Should have created a new blog for this. All the best to me. Word courtesy: You can't sue me now! Today's word. irascible \ih-RASS-uh-buhl\, adjective : Prone to anger; easily provoked to anger; hot-tempered.. Here it begins.. On the express highway, a black merc was in a hurry. The driver needed to reach Pune in record time. Mr. Alabaster was the definition of punctuality, anybody late would invite hell from this irascible man, the same applies even if he himself was late.....

oh hell

Oh hell on my blog the ads have disappeared. How come? Who will answer my query?How will I earn? Can anyone hear me? Hello anybody in there? Feels like a punishment. Humph! Bloody f#$%#!$%^!$^ Cooling process initiated: 10% completed....35% completed......95% completed....100% completed Since the ads have stopped I want the 0.23$ in cheque. When will I get it? Who will deliver it? In life we are always searching for something. Just google. Heheheh Sounds sarcastic.